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Jenny Kaluza

Teacher, Author, Artist


I knew from a very young age that I wanted to be a teacher. I remember playing “school” with my five siblings, and since I was the oldest, I always got to be the teacher. My goals and dreams did not change much and I later graduated from Whitworth University with a degree in education. Although I loved teaching in a classroom, I also have a love for ministry. After a mission trip to Costa Rica, I thought that maybe I would teach in a missionary school. It turns out God had a place for me in local missions. I ended up serving as the Children’s Director for the Union Gospel Mission (a homeless shelter in Spokane, Washington) for five years where I taught all the school-age children. It was while I was teaching at the Union Gospel Mission that I first started writing. Out of a need for Bible study curriculum that would suit the needs of children who had been abused, neglected, and living beyond their years, I started writing their daily studies. It became quickly apparent, that although I loved teaching in general, my true passion lies in teaching God’s Word.


For the past eight years, I have taught a weekly women’s Bible study at my local church in Spokane, Washington. Through the loving support of women who saw a gift in me, I began writing women’s Bible studies. In my first Bible study, The Potter and The Clay, I was able to combine my love for pottery with my love for God. It focuses on the similarities I saw from my experiences of being a potter forming clay, and God’s interactions with humanity. My second study, Living Hope, is a study through the books of 1st and 2nd Peter. My passion is to help women develop a deeper love of God and His Word. I desire to make the Scriptures knowable and applicable to every woman’s life.


I continue to be amazed at how God slowly adds one piece of the puzzle at a time as He molds and transforms me. It has been exciting to see how my experiences of writing and teaching are now leading to speaking opportunities. I am happy and humbled to share God’s Word no matter the format!


When I’m not studying or teaching, you will likely find me outdoors with my family or elbow deep in a craft project. My husband Zach and I love raising our four adventurous children in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. We are blessed to live in an area where we have hiking/biking trails, lakes, and mountains not too far from our back door. Being a mom has changed me more than anything else in my life. I am a mom to girls and boys, biological children as well as adopted, and have kids in elementary, middle, and high school! I will consider my life well spent if they follow Jesus with love and abandon. The ministry I am able to do for others is only possible because of the amazing love and support my family gives me.

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